Friday, February 6, 2015


Time Period: Years 330 - 1453

The Byzantine design period focuses much more on the interiors of the buildings that were built in the Early Christian time. This period inherited Roman forms and for centuries put them to contemporary use, in the process making them their own. The artists of this time developed vibrant traditions of art, architecture, and the decorative arts. 

Byzantine Art
Byzantine artists distanced themselves from the previous Roman artistic practices. Many Christians wanted to avoid claims of worshiping idols, so artists stepped away from the common trend of creating statues. They focused their attention more so on using wall motifs to tell a story. This was often done with mosaics. Moving the mosaics to the wall allowed for them to increased the appreciated of the affect of the colors and light. Artists would often incorporate glass, stones, and metal into their mosaics as well. Along with showing stories of Christ, Byzantine artists also had a focus on geometric patterns and floral design. 

Byzantine Furniture
Unlike art from this time, the furniture remained closely related to Roman forms, sometimes unchanged. Although there was an increasing amount of invention and adaptation over time. 
The Throne of Maximian is well-known as an ensemble that incorporates magnificent examples of ivory carving. The chair's form is like a barrel chair, curved on all sides with a rounded back. Because of its shape, it is suggested that it was not placed against a wall but instead was a sculptural piece. It's exceptional nature is not from height or form but rather from the ivory carvings. The panels on the front of the throne show detailed images of St. John the Baptist and the other panels show detailed patterns. 
Pieces like boxes, chests, and caskets can be found made of ivory. There were probably some simple wooden pieces as well, but few examples survive. There can be furniture such as chairs, footstools, and tables found in paintings from this time period. 

Modern Examples
The Byzantine period is often resembled today through fashion. The use of metals and mosaics are inspiration for many of the pieces below. 

Helpful Videos
Review of Byzantine Art |
World History Crash Course: Fall of the Rome |

Peer Reviews 
Miryam | I really appreciated the pictures that Miryam posted of the Byzantine furniture. I thought they represented the period very accurately.
 Haley | I also really liked the pictures that Haley posted of the furniture and modern designs. It was interesting to see the mosaics being incorporated into modern designs.

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