Thursday, March 19, 2015


Starting in the 15th century, the Spanish Renaissance came about thanks to local architects. In order to further understand the different architectural & decoration styles that would have been seen at this time, I will go into more detail about three main styles.

Also known as Silversmith's style. The delicate ornamentation was made as carefully as if it was the work of a silversmith, and decorated as richly. The decoration was mainly of plant motifs, but also had a lot of medallions, animal figures, etc. This style included a lot of various types of materials. In the picture, you can see the facade of the University of Salamanca.

This style was a reaction to the Plateresco style. Instead of the profusely ornamentation, this style is much more simple. It's carefully defined proportions made it powerful and allowed it to be characterized by austerity. The Escorial is an example of this architectural style.

This style replaced the Desornamentado with something more passionate. It emphasized sculptures, wood carvers, and architectures because it was promoted by a family of craftsmen. Churrigueresco was mainly stucco decoration that was marked by extreme and expressive detailing, normally found above the entrance on the main facade of a building. This style can be seen in this picture of the Basilica of Nuestra Senora de la Merced.

Modern Examples
Along with the architectural styles, Spanish style interiors are also very recognizable. Below are some examples of current applications. 

Helpful Videos
Moorish Architecture in Spain |
Baroque Architecture Overview |

Peer Reviews
Nichole | I liked that along with the information that Nichole discussed she also added a video about the topics that she didn't cover in detail.
Paige | I really enjoyed all of the pictures that Paige provided in her post. It was very helpful in order to visualize the topics that were being discussed. 

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