Monday, April 13, 2015

English Renaissance

There was a lot of change in the daily life (therefore, interior design) during the English Renaissance. International trade was becoming much more readily available to the consumer, which allowed for much more variety in decoration. Houses were becoming more comfortable and more elegant and people were able to be much more ambitious in their designs. I am going to briefly discuss a few important architects from this time and their contributions to this style period. 

Inigo Jones was instrumental in bringing aspects of Italian design into English design during the early English Renaissance. He greatly studied the work of Palladio and brought many features of the country villa into his work. Jones's architecture was proportional and harmonious with both interior and outdoor elements. One of his most known works is the Queen's House at Greenwich. 

Richard Boyle, like Inigo Jones, brought many features of Palladio's work into English design. Richard was often called "the Apollo of the arts." Boyle's money and political position allowed him to influence taste and ensure through his connections that his Palladian ideals were evident in important buildings throughout England. A few of his major projects include the Burlington House, Westminster School, and the Cheswick House. 

Robert Adam was one of the most important English architects working in the Neoclassical style. He was instrumental in the development of a style of architecture and interiors that revolved around including both the fixed and moveable objects in a room. He incorporated design ideas of ancient Greece and Rome into his decoration as well. Some of his famous London houses include the Kenwood House and Syon House. 

Current Applications 
Below are a few pictures of modern Palladian architecture. It is evident that the symmetry and other principles are still strongly shown in these current examples. 

Helpful Videos
The Classical Influence on English Architecture |
English Renaissance History |

Peer Reviews
Emma | I really appreciated the modern application pictures that Emma posted. Since I focused mostly on exterior examples, it was very interesting to see more interior spaces and furniture. 
Shannon | I also really liked that Shannon focused mostly on furniture. I enjoyed learning more about certain pieces from this time. 

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